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Kurtis James Blake - Online Memorial Website

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Kurtis Blake
Born in Michigan
13 years
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Dylan Kirkley

I will never forget Kurt he was a very good kid. He will always be a good kid. i remember playing basketball,football,track,and all the things we use to do in gym. He was always better then me in just about everthing, because he was so much better than me he made me do my best in all the things i did with him. There is so many memories i could writedown but i can't explain some of them, they were so fun. I will always miss Kurt no one will forget him either he will live on in our hearts, and memories.


Love, Dylan Kirkley


Alex Turkmani

When i first meet kurt we were playing basketball at camp one summer, and i remeber he was between the legs layups and i was like in awe of it, lol. Playing basketball, dodgeball and all the games they have during camp what i always remebered of him was that he was a very hard competitor and he was an amazing athlete, but it never got to his head, he was probaly the coolest most humble kid you would ever meet. I remember when we all went swimming in lake superior and how cold it was but he would never admit that he was cold. i never got to go cliff jumping with him but i am sure it would have been a blast. he is an awesome guy and i cant wait to see him again.



Anna Wiese
this last year at camp gitche, i believe on Kurts birthday, a couple of us went out to montreal falls, and explored, we found this tall water fall, and of course there was an area to go cliff jumping, so ranger dave and kurt scurried up there right away, and did there thing, kurt teased me and said what ur not going? scared? i got a lil snotty and said NO, then i climbed up, with kurt right behind me, when we got up there, i have to say, i was a bit scared as i looked down to the water where there were rocks all around at the bottom, he said ANNa HURRY UP my feet hurt, i of course shot back a snippy remark, but kurt just told me to go allready, so finally i figured kurt would never let me live it down, so i stepped off the cliff, and of course i was fine, kurt was happy cause he didnt have to stand up there with me anymore,,... this last summer was a blessing for me at least, kurt jess and i hung out a lot and went exploring and just had fun, he is def. missed, but i know that he is where he needs to be.  I Love you all, and you are always in my prayers,.
Jeff Pestka

Kurt was a very good kid. He was a very good friend of mine. Kurt was awesome at many sports. I'm glad he's getting to see his Grandma, I'm sure he likes that. Kurt when I get their I will see you, It might not be for a long time, but I won't forget you.



Jeff Pestka

Dylan Morris

I remember playing basketball with him at open gym and after he scored around 20 points he said, "Well may as well let slim shoot some." It was then Kurt found out how bad I was at basketball but he still made me laugh saying that i would make it eventually and pretty soon i did make it. Kurt I will miss so much and school just isnt the same with out you.

                                   God Bless you,


Madison Bailey

    I didn't personally now Kurt exept for that he was a good person and a great athlete.  When I first heard about the accident I didn't think it was that bad until I kept getting more information about it.  Then I started to read the website and I couldn't stop.  I read it over and over again.  I finally burst out crying I couldn't hold it in any longer.  Everytime I thought about Kurt my throat would close up and my eyes would start to sting.

     I now Kurt is in a better place and I will never stop praying.

                                                          With love to your family,Madison Bailey


Victoria Hodges
Hey umm . . . i remember kurt from camp gitchi and he was such a character he always made me laugh. I sat at his lunch table and i got to know him well . . . . i didnt think i wouldnt see him again. I am truely sorry . . . . but he always put a smile on my face no matter what . . . well i know for sure that i remember him . . . i wonder if he remembered me? the picture is at the lunch table (breakfast) . . . . a bigggg bite of cereal . . .YUM YUM
Brandon Mitchell
I remember playing all different sorts of games with Kurt and a bunch of other people at Gitchee. We played apples to apples, maufia, spoons, man we had fun.  Kurt always said the funniest things, and he always made me laugh.
Kelsey Kemppainen
I didn't know Kurt personally but I knew everybody in his family and I know a family as great as their's doesn't deserve a fate like this! The only good thing about this situation is that Kurt died because he was doing something he loved. I give him a lot of credit for that! You will be greatly missed Kurt!
I'll never forget the day Kurt punched me in the stomach!..haha..All the talks we had in Computers..He was becoming one of my best friends..So Nice, kind, caring, talkative, strong, smart...everything a person should be what he was..I miss him ..but he will live on!..To Kurt and all the rest of the fam..I Love Yuh All!!!..
Hannah O'Connor

I never actually knew Kurt. But my few memories of him were at Gitchee Gumee Bible Camp.  haha, one was when we were at the beach.  He was playing footbal and one of my bff's and I were gawking at how rip he was . The only other I can think of that stood out was when he hit me in the face with a dodgeball. haha, what an arm!


Sad as it is, it's good to know he's in a better place. maybe he's up there right now teaching St. Paul how to throw a football.


Still praying,

Hannah O.

Total Memories: 11
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